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Roy Pettitt (1930 - 2017)Show: Profile | Artworks

Roy originally trained as a biologist and worked in research and industry in Argentina, California, Spain, and the U.K. – followed by a period in property development.

Since that time he has studied at various London Art schools, followed by painting trips in Europe, Egypt, India, and Turkey. Studied watercolour with Edward Wesson and oil painting with Tom Coates.

Roy has exhibited in many London and provincial galleries including The Academy Business Gallery, and with the R.I., RBA, and ROI, at the Mall Galleries.

Roy has held one man shows at Firle Place, Milne and Muller and Highgate Fine Arts (2001 – 2005).

Mixed shows at Patterson Fine Arts (annually from 1997 – 2007), Century Gallery Datchet (l997-2003) and with the Small Paintings Group and at a selection of Galleries until the present time.

For several years recently Roy has sold work, including commissioned portraits, through a well known Knightsbridge dealer.

Roy is a member of the Chelsea Art Society, the London Sketch Club, and the Chelsea Arts Club (life member).

Roy Pettitt sadly passed away on the 23rd December 2017. He will be deeply missed by artist friends that have had the pleasure of meeting and working with Roy on many painting trips worldwide. His quirky, full of colour small paintings full of beach revellers and playing dogs are widely sought after.

Roy Pettitt died on the 23rd of December 2017

Site last updated: 5th of October 2024