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Salliann Putman RWS NEACShow: Profile | Artworks

1997 Elected an associate of the Royal Watercolour Society
1999 Elected a fellow of the Royal Watercolour Society
1999 Elected a member of the New English Art Club
2008 Elected a member of the Small Paintings Group

1988 -1993 Studied Fine Art at the West Surrey College of Art and Design, Farnham, obtaining an honours degree

Teaching Experience

From 1984 onwards has run painting courses at a number of venues and since 1998 has run a number of courses for the Royal Watercolour Society and workshops for the New English Drawing School.
She runs courses at Dedham Hall in Essex


Has exhibited widely in this country and in the USA
Royal Academy Summer Exhibition
Royal Watercolour Society
New English Art Club – Mall Galleries


1989 Pastel Society – Willi Hoffman Guth Award
1990 Royal Watercolour Society Open Exhibition – Chris Beetles Award
1993 The Royal Watercolour Society Award – Open Exhibition
2003 Chelsea – Green and Stone Award
2006 New English Art Club– Alresford Gallery Award
2014 New English Art Club – Critics’ Prize
2015 Royal Watercolour Society – Trevor Frankland Prize

Artists' Statement

Subject matter in my work is far less important to me than the abstract qualities of the painting itself. I am preoccupied with space, form, colour and mark. The inspiration for the work may come from any visual or emotional experience and memory and imagination may play their part in the creative process. I do not have a preconceived idea of how the finished painting will look. As soon as I make a mark, or place a colour, then the painting has its own life and makes its own demands. It is my concern as a painter to respond to those demands.

Site last updated: 27th of February 2025