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Officers and Council

There are three officer positions within the group, President, Secretary and Treasurer. Election of members into those positions takes place every five years at our group AGM. Council members serve for 3 years only.


President - Linda Sutton MA (RCA)


Secretary - Barbara Richardson RBA

Barbara studied at Chelsea School of Art, Manresa Road from 1975 to 1979, obtaining B.A (Hons)...

Treasurer - John Paul

President, London Sketch Club (1999 – 2000); Honorary Treasurer, Small Paintings Group...

Council Members

Francis Bowyer PPRWS NEAC

Born in London. Studied at St. Martins School of Art and Chelsea School of Art in London. He has taught drawing and painting part time...

Liz Butler RWS MA (RCA)

Liz Butler was born in Cumbria and educated at Liverpool College of Art and the Royal College of Art. She is well known for her...

John Crossley LG RWS

Born in London. Studied Sculpture at St. Martins School of Art in the early 1970’s. He has taught sculpture, drawing and painting at all levels...

Bridget Moore NEAC RBA RWS

Bridget Moore was born and grew up in Whitstable, Kent. She studied art at Medway college of design, Epsom school of Art and the Royal Academy...

Salliann Putman RWS NEAC

1997 Elected an associate of the Royal Watercolour Society
1999 Elected a fellow of the Royal Watercolour Society
1999 Elected a member of the New English Art...

Sarah Spackman RBA ROI

Sarah Spackman is a contemporary figurative artist particularly well known for her still life oil paintings. She works from a studio in Oxford that was...

Site last updated: 20th of November 2024